Booker T. Washington
Class of 1976, 38th High School Reunion
76' Warrior Classmates
Dwight Deadmon
Hello, I am one of the Class of 1976 Class Reunion Committee Members.
We are all looking forward in seeing our classmate again. Now where do we go from here. To the Newest web page for Class of 1976, ( ). There you will find all the information and concact information about our Class Reunion. The same City, the same Hotel,the same three day place, and the same classmates from class of 1976, with the Class Reunion. We would like all for you guy to play a major part and to be a major part of OUR Class Reunion. So please get on a committee and share the joy! We can still use all the help we can get from our classmate of Class of 1976 for our Class Reunion. . Thanks. Booker-T-Washington-Class-of-1976-Alumni-Memphis-TN
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