Booker T. Washington
Class of 1976, 38th High School Reunion
76' Warrior Classmates
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View profile »Catherine Hankins (Pegues)
Memphis, TN
Hi Washingtonians, I would like to thank last years commitee for a fantastic and professional job of BTW''s Class of 1976 35th Class Reunion. It was Classy and the price priceless. We had class members from near and far in attendance. I'm looking forward t… more »
Memphis,, TN
View profile »Debra Woods (Robertson)
Memphis, TN
Jacksonville, FL
I throughly enjoyed the first Class Reunion and anxiously await the next one in 2012. I encourage all my fellow 1976 BTW Alumni classmates to attend, as well as, other fellow Washingtonians from different eras. All will be welcome!
I'm looking forward to seeing all my classmates near and far this year.
Let's get ready to have more fun than last year.
Be Bless
View profile »Cherry Jones (Smith)
san diego, CA
I am truly blessed to reconnect with my "1976" Booker T. Washington classmates. To all my classmates, I pray God has richly blessed your life just as he has blessed my life.
Thanks to all the officers for taking on the task to bring us together again. We… more »
Kissimmee, FL
Hi class of 76'.
Memphis, TN
Holt, FL